Oil Paintings On Canvas
Alexander LOZOVOY is the author of books, articles on the visual arts. In particular, one of the authors of publications and comments on the first and second volumes of «Malevich about himself. Contemporaries about Malevich» (2004), publications «What Filonov was silent about» (Experiment, Los Angeles, 2005), books «Mistakes of the great masters. The sunset of realism» (2008), monographs «Varvara Bubnova» (1984), «Monotype. The technique of monotype» (together with K. V. Bezmenova, 2010), «Quotes of the Old Testament», San Francisco (2011) and other Lozova is also the author of television films: «Theater of one artist. Varvara Bubnova» (1996), «East. East. Japan and the Russian avant-garde» (2000).
Painting on