You Will Never Look at Your Smartphone the Same Way Again

by Cristian I

Beware of the face sucking Smartphones

When you walk down the average city street, you’ll see four out of every five people looking at a smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch.

Technology is the ultimate addiction!

It’s something that we all need in our ultra-connected world, but it is also an investment that causes us to lose a piece of ourselves.

Now, you might be one of those in the 20% who can put their device away when traveling.

Even if you can avoid that temptation, you’re likely with the rest of the general population who looks at their phone about 80 times per day.

Are You Getting Sucked into Your Device?

Artists have offered commentaries about current events for centuries through their work.

For Antoine Geiger, he’s mixing photography with digital alterations to show us all what is happening when we can’t look up.

You might feel the need to be on Facebook or play a mobile game, but it is also driving you to keep technology in front of your face.

Each image from Geiger’s collection called SUR-FAKE depicts a random person getting sucked into their smartphone.

You’ll find tourists, business people, and even kids getting completely lost in their technology. When you see the finished work, it looks like the faces stretch like taffy into the screen.

It’s a reminder that mindless gaming isn’t entertainment if our brains get shut down by the process.

Is Our Selfie Culture Going to Destroy Us?

When you see Geiger’s work, you can tell how prevalent electronics use is at every level of western civilization.

One of the most poignant pieces involves three kids who are sitting together on what looks like a bench.

They’re all playing video games on a Nintendo system, with their faces sucked into the screen.

Each is wearing headphones to complete the isolation.

Although these systems offer gameplay options that likely have them all interacting together, it’s still an honest look at our society.

Instead of having face-to-face interactions, we prefer using screens for our conversations.

It might seem like we’re making progress as a society, but what are we losing in return for those benefits?

Geiger provides us with something to think about with his latest series.

Soul stealer 5
Soul stealer 5
Soul stealer 6
Soul stealer 6
Soul stealer 4
Soul stealer 4
Soul stealer 3
Soul stealer 3
Soul stealer 2
Soul stealer 2
Soul stealer
Soul stealer
Face Sucking Gadgets
Face Sucking Gadgets
Face Sucking Smartphones
Face Sucking Smartphones



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